Environmental Protection

The environmental policy provides a framework for actions aimed at reducing the negative impact of the Company’s activities on the environment. Thanks to the adopted policy, we remain in compliance with applicable legal requirements and also undertake additional activities for environmental protection and energy consumption reduction. One of the main objectives of the environmental policy is to increase ecological awareness among employees and foster a sense of responsibility for the quality of our environment.

The environmental policy defines the main commitments of the Company in the following areas:

  • Environmental protection and pollution prevention,
  • Pro-environmental activities and other initiatives aimed at raising awareness of environmental protection, effective energy management, and the impact of activities on biodiversity conservation,
  • Water resource management, minimizing water consumption for technological and domestic purposes,
  • Emissions management and organization’s carbon footprint monitoring,
  • Climate change risk prevention and opportunity management,
  • Effective waste management,
  • Energy performance improvement,
  • Compliance with legal, regulatory, and other requirements in the field of environmental protection.

Administrative Decisions

The implementation of processes using natural resources, various substances, raw materials, and production materials affects emissions into the environment. Therefore, our activities are regulated through obtained administrative decisions.

Here are the administrative decisions mentioned:

  • Decision of the Marshal of the Łódź Voivodeship dated July 29, 2016, regarding the integrated permit (reference: RŚVI.7222.190.2015.KK) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Decision of the State Water Holding Wody Polskie dated July 5, 2022, regarding the water permit for special use of water consisting of introducing industrial wastewater containing substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment into sewage facilities owned by the company Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. Z o.o. in Łódź (reference: PO.RUZ.4210.1212022.JP.5) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Notification to the Pabianice County Office of the installation of energy fuel combustion (reference: OŚ.6221.2.2018) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Decision of the Mayor of the City of Łódź No. 65/Op/15 dated April 28, 2015, regarding the issuance of a waste production permit (reference: DSS-OŚR-IV.6221.5.2015) – for the location of the Company in Łódź.
  • Decision of the Mayor of the City of Łódź dated April 14, 2022, regarding the issuance of a waste production permit, which will arise in connection with the operation of an installation for the production of basic pharmaceutical products, using chemical or biological processes for the purpose of conducting test production of a protein antigen codenamed Nuvaxovid – a COVID-19 vaccine candidate – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Notification from the Marshal of the Łódź Voivodeship dated September 30, 2021, regarding the acceptance of the emission notification of gases and dust into the air, concerning the operation of an installation for the production of medicinal products or pharmaceutical raw materials (reference: ŚRIV.7223.1.2.2021.MO) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Certificate from the Pabianice County Office dated October 16, 2023, regarding the acceptance of the emission notification resulting from the operation of the battery charging installation (reference: OŚ.6221.12.2023) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Decision No. 49/2022 dated June 6, 2022, issued by the Minister of Climate and Environment allowing the operation of a genetic engineering plant, where closed use of genetically modified microorganisms classified as category I hazard is to be conducted (reference: DOP-GMO.601.37.2022.jryb) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Decision No. 108 dated June 9, 2017, issued by the Minister of Environment allowing the operation of a genetic engineering plant, where closed use of genetically modified microorganisms classified as category II hazard is to be conducted (reference: DOP-GMO.431.97.2017) – for the location of the Company in Konstantynów Łódzki.
  • Decision No. 90/2021 dated June 18, 2021, issued by the Minister of Climate and Environment allowing the operation of a genetic engineering plant, where closed use of genetically modified microorganisms classified as category II hazard is to be conducted (reference: DOP-4.601.109.2021.jryb) – for the location of the Company in Łódź.

Environmental and Technological Monitoring

In accordance with obtained decisions and applicable legal requirements, we monitor the level of our activities’ impact on the surrounding environment. Through ongoing waste records, media consumption, periodic examinations, and inspections, we can control compliance with the required standards. Monitoring results are made available to the relevant environmental protection authorities.

As part of environmental monitoring, we conduct:

  • Periodic measurements of industrial noise from installations,
  • Cyclical qualitative examinations of wastewater produced,
  • Continuous monitoring of the quantity of water taken, discharged wastewater, electricity consumption, district heating, and fuels,
  • Technical condition check and operational inspection of oil substance separators and industrial wastewater treatment plants,
  • Technological monitoring in the form of production quantities and material and substance consumption,
  • Periodic inspection of equipment containing refrigerants,
  • Records of the types and quantities of generated waste,
  • Records of packaging and products in packaging introduced to the Polish market.

Environmental Reporting

We fulfill all obligations in the field of environmental reporting, which includes data collection, reporting, and reporting to relevant environmental authorities. The Company’s environmental reporting includes:

  • A list containing a summary of information on the scope of environmental use and the amount of fees due for introducing gases and dust into the air,
  • KOBiZE report containing information on greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere,
  • Summary of data on types and quantities of waste, methods of managing them, and installations and equipment for their recovery and disposal,
  • Annual report containing information necessary for creating the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR),
  • Report on products, packaging, and packaging waste management divided into multi-material, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste categories, including basic fractions,
  • Information on the quantities of used substances classified as precursors of category II narcotics.