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3000L stainless steel medium preparation tank. The tank is used for the preparation of various types of media for example culture medium or media fill test medium. The tank allows the medium to be filtered by a peristaltic pump or by pressure. The tank is cleaned using the CIP method (cleaning in place)/SIP (sterilization in place) method.
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3000L stainless steel buffer preparation tank. The tank is used for the preparation of various types of buffers or solutions The tank allows buffers/solutions to be filtered by pressure. The tank has built-in sensors for measuring pH and conductivity of prepared buffers/solutions. The tank has a vacuum substance loading system. The tank is cleaned using the CIP (cleaning in place)/SIP (sterilization in place) method.Solutions/buffers can be heated in the temperature range of 20 - 80°C.
htmlText_CB199C89_CAE9_CE46_41DB_3363BC4962C5.html =
Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with SoloVPE is an innovative UV-Vis spectroscopy system that utilizes Variable Pathlength Technology (VPT). SoloVPE operates based on a slope-derived spectroscopy method using multiple data points, rather than relying on a single absorbance value. It covers a wavelength range from 190 nm to 1100 nm with pathlengths from 5 microns to 15 millimeters. Allows measurement of protein concentration and sample purity without the need for dilution. Depending on the method and sample vessel, the required sample volume is <20 μl to 2 ml. The SoloVPE system complies with ICH Q2 (R1) requirements.
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The ALPHA II IR spectrometer uses infrared absorption. The spectroscopic technique, which uses infrared radiation, allows the recording of oscillatory spectra of chemical molecules. The use of Fourier transform (FTIR) increases the sensitivity of the measurements and the resolution of the instruments. FTIR spectrometers with appropriate attachments allow measurements in KBr tablets, in solution and in a gas phase. Infrared measurements are based on passing radiation through or into the sample and measuring the attenuation of the resulting beam at different wavelengths. This corresponds to the two main modes of measurement, i.e. transmission and ATR. ALPHA II IR spectrometer enables measurements in the spectral range 350 – 8000 cm-1 with a resolution better than 2 cm-1. IR spectrometer is equipped with a fixed RockSolid™ interferometer to ensure high stability; mirrors insensitive to deflections, mechanical vibrations and thermal effects. Additional accessories: Platinum-ATR module: single-reflective ATR with monolithic diamond crystal pressed into a tungsten carbide plate for superior mechanical and chemical resistance; Transmission module: KBr lozenge holder.
htmlText_E9264074_CB3A_B6CD_41C2_277CE72E79D1.html =
The KrosFlo® Tangential Flow Filtration 600 System (KTF-600) provides a ready-to-use, flexible flow path solution to commercial-scale microfiltration and ultrafiltration process operations. The KTF-600 System includes a magnetic drive centrifugal pump head, custom flexible tube flow path assemblies, peristaltic pumps, single-use flat sheet cassete, and optional weight scale connections for additional process monitoring.
htmlText_CB620BE1_C95A_C9C6_41E6_B007FBEE3172.html =
The Neon® Transfection System is a benchtop electroporation device that employs an electroporation technology by using the pipette tip as an electroporation chamber to transfect mammalian cells including primary and immortalized hematopoietic cells, stem cells, and primary cells. The Neon® Transfection System delivers nucleic acids, proteins, and siRNA into all mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells. The transfection is performed using from 1×104 to 5×106 cells per reaction. The Neon® Transfection System uses a single transfection kit that is compatible with various mammalian cell types thereby avoiding the need to determine an optimal buffer for each cell type. The Neon® Transfection System offers open and transparent protocols that are optimized for ease of use and simplicity.
Transfection technology: electroporation
Working volume: 10 – 100 μL
Number of cell per reaction: 1×104 - 5×106 cells
Input voltage range: 500–2 500 V
Input pulse width range: 1–100 ms
Input pulse number range: 1–10
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The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage.
htmlText_D67395D1_D795_9993_41E3_677B2FC216A3.html =
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage.
htmlText_D673EC7F_D795_8E8F_41D4_53BBE7FD3567.html =
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage.
htmlText_D5F04F55_D492_8A93_41B9_5D3F92DA909E.html =
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage.
htmlText_CB7853B2_C937_5A4A_41D9_7BD7411603FE.html =
The Vi-CELL XR is a cell counter designed to automatically count and characterize cells in a sample. Similarly, to manual counting, the device stains the cells with a trypan blue solution and through a series of photos, analyzes images of the cell culture and calculates a wide range of its parameters. It provides accurate and rapid cell counting, viability assessment, and sizing of cell populations.
Analysis time: 2.5 minutes
Ability to load 12 samples simultaneously
Cell density range: 5 × 104 - 1 × 107 cells/mL
Viability range: 0-100%
Sample volume: 0.5 mL
Counting accuracy: ±6%
htmlText_8AE56A61_CB5B_4AC6_41DA_707D007FF6EB.html =
The Xcellerex XDR-10 is a stirred-tank bioreactor system used for cell cultivation. It provides controlled environments with agitation, promoting efficient mixing and optimal growth conditions for biological processes. The Xcellerex XDR-10 is adaptable for various purposes, including process development, small-scale production, and troubleshooting. The XDR-10 bioreactor comprises three main parts: vessel frame, instrument tower, and disposable bioreactor bag assembly. The temperature of the culture is accurately controlled with two heating pads, integral to the frame.
Technology: STR, SUB
Working volume: 4.5-10L
Temperature control: 2 heating pads
pH range: 0 - 14
DO range: 0-100%
Internal pumps: 4
Mass flow controllers: 4
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The system is a combination of an HPLC liquid chromatograph and a mass spectrometer. The Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS system is provide superior data quality and advanced analytical capabilities for profi ling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules with high confidence. The 6530 Q-TOF platform is ideally suited for accurate mass analyses of the complex samples. The system provides: Sub 2-ppm mass accuracy; The wide dynamic range of the spectrum allows smaller amounts of compounds to be measured simultaneously in the presence of intense background interference; Up to 5 orders of in-spectrum dynamic range improves detection of tracelevel targets in the presence of highabundance compounds; High femtogram sensitivity enables identification of very low-abundance compounds; Fast data acquisition rates of up to 40 spectra/second ensure maximum compatibility with fast LC and highthroughput methods; Wide mass range to 20,000 m/z
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3000L stainless steel buffer preparation tank. The tank is used for the preparation of various types of buffers or solutions The tank allows buffers/solutions to be filtered by pressure. The tank has built-in sensors for measuring pH and conductivity of prepared buffers/solutions. The tank has a vacuum substance loading system. The tank is cleaned using the CIP (cleaning in place)/SIP (sterilization in place) method.Solutions/buffers can be heated in the temperature range of 20 - 80°C.
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3000L stainless steel buffer preparation tank. The tank is used for the preparation of various types of buffers or solutions The tank allows buffers/solutions to be filtered by pressure. The tank has built-in sensors for measuring pH and conductivity of prepared buffers/solutions. The tank has a vacuum substance loading system. The tank is cleaned using the CIP (cleaning in place)/SIP (sterilization in place) method.Solutions/buffers can be heated in the temperature range of 20 - 80°C.
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Agilent Infinity HPLC systems are suitable for a broad range of analytical workflows. We utilize three integrated devices equipped with different types of pumps and detectors to cover a wide spectrum of analytical desires. These also feature the software drivers that allow system control together with data acquisition and processing by Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System.
The Agilent 1220 Infinity Gradient LC system consists of a binary low pressure mixing pump with pressure limit up to 600 bar and diode array detector (DAD). The dual gradient pump has a flowrate up to 10 mL/min with integrated degasser. The DAD detector features a data acquisition rate of 80 Hz, multiwavelength detection and spectral analysis in 190 – 950 nm wavelength range. The Agilent 1260 Infinity Binary LC is also equipped with binary pump operating in similar specifications but it utilizes the variable wavelength detector (VWD) with 80 Hz data acquisition rate and a wavelength operating range from 190 nm up to 600 nm. Lastly, the Agilent 1260 Infinity Quaternary LC includes pump system providing the possibility of four-compontent gradient for conducted analyses. This setup, equipped also with VWD detector, offers the highest flexibility for various HPLC applications.
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Agilent Infinity HPLC systems are suitable for a broad range of analytical workflows. We utilize three integrated devices equipped with different types of pumps and detectors to cover a wide spectrum of analytical desires. These also feature the software drivers that allow system control together with data acquisition and processing by Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System.
The Agilent 1220 Infinity Gradient LC system consists of a binary low pressure mixing pump with pressure limit up to 600 bar and diode array detector (DAD). The dual gradient pump has a flowrate up to 10 mL/min with integrated degasser. The DAD detector features a data acquisition rate of 80 Hz, multiwavelength detection and spectral analysis in 190 – 950 nm wavelength range. The Agilent 1260 Infinity Binary LC is also equipped with binary pump operating in similar specifications but it utilizes the variable wavelength detector (VWD) with 80 Hz data acquisition rate and a wavelength operating range from 190 nm up to 600 nm. Lastly, the Agilent 1260 Infinity Quaternary LC includes pump system providing the possibility of four-compontent gradient for conducted analyses. This setup, equipped also with VWD detector, offers the highest flexibility for various HPLC applications.
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Automatic filling line in isolator technology. The ISOLATOR has been designed and built to create a separation between the operator and the pharmaceutical product. It can be used to protect the product from the external environment (product sterility); protect the external environment from the toxic product (containment); protect both the product from the external environment and the external environment from the toxic product (sterility and containment). It is equipped with a decontamination system, fiilling machine and marking system. They make it possible to run the process for 2 vial formats: 10ml and 50ml. Capacity for the 10ml format is up to 6,000 psc/hour, for the 50ml format up to 1,760 psc/hour.
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Automatic filling line in isolator technology. The ISOLATOR has been designed and built to create a separation between the operator and the pharmaceutical product. It can be used to protect the product from the external environment (product sterility); protect the external environment from the toxic product (containment); protect both the product from the external environment and the external environment from the toxic product (sterility and containment). It is equipped with a decontamination system, fiilling machine and marking system. They make it possible to run the process for 2 vial formats: 10ml and 50ml. Capacity for the 10ml format is up to 6,000 psc/hour, for the 50ml format up to 1,760 psc/hour.
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Beckman Coulter™ CESI 8000 Plus capillary electrophoresis system equipped with modular, interchangeable detectors: UV-VIS and LIF (laser-induced fluorescence detector). The UV-VIS detector allows for wavelength selection through interchangeable filters. We have filters available at wavelengths of 200, 214, 230, 254, and 280 nm. The system can also be coupled with a mass spectrometer. Samples can be introduced into the capillary in three injection modes: pressure, vacuum, and electrokinetic. The system allows for operating at a constant or gradient level of voltage, current, power, pressure, or vacuum. Additionally, the device enables the application of pressure solely from the inlet or outlet of the capillary, as well as from both sides simultaneously. We utilize the capillary electrophoresis system, among other purposes, to determine the purity of antibodies.
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Beckman Coulter™ CESI 8000 Plus capillary electrophoresis system equipped with modular, interchangeable detectors: UV-VIS and LIF (laser-induced fluorescence detector). The UV-VIS detector allows for wavelength selection through interchangeable filters. We have filters available at wavelengths of 200, 214, 230, 254, and 280 nm. The system can also be coupled with a mass spectrometer. Samples can be introduced into the capillary in three injection modes: pressure, vacuum, and electrokinetic. The system allows for operating at a constant or gradient level of voltage, current, power, pressure, or vacuum. Additionally, the device enables the application of pressure solely from the inlet or outlet of the capillary, as well as from both sides simultaneously. We utilize the capillary electrophoresis system, among other purposes, to determine the purity of antibodies.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with SoloVPE is an innovative UV-Vis spectroscopy system that utilizes Variable Pathlength Technology (VPT). SoloVPE operates based on a slope-derived spectroscopy method using multiple data points, rather than relying on a single absorbance value. It covers a wavelength range from 190 nm to 1100 nm with pathlengths from 5 microns to 15 millimeters. Allows measurement of protein concentration and sample purity without the need for dilution. Depending on the method and sample vessel, the required sample volume is <20 μl to 2 ml. The SoloVPE system complies with ICH Q2 (R1) requirements.
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Citiva 2000L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 2000 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 2000L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 2000 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 2000L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 2000 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 2000L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 2000 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 200L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 200L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 200L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 200L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 50L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 50L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 50L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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Citiva 50L stirred mix bioreactor. Single-use, stirred, modular bioreactor system with working volume 50 L, suited for cGMP environments. Bioreactor supports batch, fed batch and perfusion modes. Flexibility and adaptability of the bioreactor makes it suitable for a production of various molecules. Features of the bioreactor allow constant monitoring and control over the culture parameters, such as temperature, pH and diffused oxygen.
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CroMed Controlled-Rate Freezer. Controlled Rate Freezer allows for precise repeatable results of freezing samples, making it suitable for the biobanking within GMP system. Freezer can operate over the chamber temperature range from +50 °C to -180°C. Within the operating temperature range, controlled rate cooling is supported for the rates from 0.1 °C/min to 99.9 °C/min. The chamber can be warmed up at the rates from 0.1 °C/min to 10.0 °C/min.
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CroMed Controlled-Rate Freezer. Controlled Rate Freezer allows for precise repeatable results of freezing samples, making it suitable for the biobanking within GMP system. Freezer can operate over the chamber temperature range from +50 °C to -180°C. Within the operating temperature range, controlled rate cooling is supported for the rates from 0.1 °C/min to 99.9 °C/min. The chamber can be warmed up at the rates from 0.1 °C/min to 10.0 °C/min.
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Eclipse Ts2 inverted Microscope with Nikon camera. The microscope anables to observe the sample with Diascopic and Epi-fluorescent ilumination models. The avaiable methods of the observations are: Brightfield, Apodized Phase Contrast, Phase Contrast, Emboss Contrast. Due to the NIkon camera it is possible to capture the image.
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Eclipse Ts2 inverted Microscope with Nikon camera. The microscope anables to observe the sample with Diascopic and Epi-fluorescent ilumination models. The avaiable methods of the observations are: Brightfield, Apodized Phase Contrast, Phase Contrast, Emboss Contrast. Due to the NIkon camera it is possible to capture the image.
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Eclipse Ts2 inverted Microscope with Nikon camera. The microscope anables to observe the sample with Diascopic and Epi-fluorescent ilumination models. The avaiable methods of the observations are: Brightfield, Apodized Phase Contrast, Phase Contrast, Emboss Contrast. Due to the NIkon camera it is possible to capture the image.
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Eclipse Ts2 inverted Microscope with Nikon camera. The microscope anables to observe the sample with Diascopic and Epi-fluorescent ilumination models. The avaiable methods of the observations are: Brightfield, Apodized Phase Contrast, Phase Contrast, Emboss Contrast. Due to the NIkon camera it is possible to capture the image.
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IMA's automated packaging line enables labeling, followed by unit and bulk packaging. Integrated into the line is a system that ensures product serialization. The line allows the use of both tear strips and tamper-resistant cartons. The line supports packaging in formats: 10mL, 2x10mL and 50mL.
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LONZA ELx808 LBS microplate reader. The device use different wavelenght range between 340-900 nm. It allows to detect endotoxin level due to two diffferent LAL methods: turbidymetic or chromogenic. The device is eqipped with 4 incubationg zones and WinKQCL Software which anable fully- automated kinetic reads of 96- well microplate.
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PHCBI MCO-170AICUVD-PE CO₂ Incubator. The incubator provides precise control of CO₂ concentration and accurate temperature inside the chamber. It uses the SafeCell UV lamp while cell culturing to prevent potential contamination. Due to the UV lamp decontaminated circular air and water in the humidifying pan does not cause harmful effects on the cells. The incubator owns it's special sterilisation process which is automatic and last 11 hours in 180°C.
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PHCBI MCO-170AICUVD-PE CO₂ Incubator. The incubator provides precise control of CO₂ concentration and accurate temperature inside the chamber. It uses the SafeCell UV lamp while cell culturing to prevent potential contamination. Due to the UV lamp decontaminated circular air and water in the humidifying pan does not cause harmful effects on the cells. The incubator owns it's special sterilisation process which is automatic and last 11 hours in 180°C.
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PHCBI MCO-170AICUVD-PE CO₂ Incubator. The incubator provides precise control of CO₂ concentration and accurate temperature inside the chamber. It uses the SafeCell UV lamp while cell culturing to prevent potential contamination. Due to the UV lamp decontaminated circular air and water in the humidifying pan does not cause harmful effects on the cells. The incubator owns it's special sterilisation process which is automatic and last 11 hours in 180°C.
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PHCBI MCO-170AICUVD-PE CO₂ Incubator. The incubator provides precise control of CO₂ concentration and accurate temperature inside the chamber. It uses the SafeCell UV lamp while cell culturing to prevent potential contamination. Due to the UV lamp decontaminated circular air and water in the humidifying pan does not cause harmful effects on the cells. The incubator owns it's special sterilisation process which is automatic and last 11 hours in 180°C.
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Previ Color Gram is an automatic stainer, that makes traditional Gram staining fast and efficient. This reliable system utilizes spray technology to provide reproducible, reliable results of staining for microbiological samples. The results might be obtained for broad range of bacterial species. With a capacious carousel Previ Color Gram stainer is able to perform procedure for 12 slides at the same time. The single staining cycle lasts only 4 minutes. Maintanance of the device is intuitive and provides economical usage of the consumables.
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Previ Color Gram is an automatic stainer, that makes traditional Gram staining fast and efficient. This reliable system utilizes spray technology to provide reproducible, reliable results of staining for microbiological samples. The results might be obtained for broad range of bacterial species. With a capacious carousel Previ Color Gram stainer is able to perform procedure for 12 slides at the same time. The single staining cycle lasts only 4 minutes. Maintanance of the device is intuitive and provides economical usage of the consumables.
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Sterisart Universal Peristaltic Pump for Sterility Tests is a professional equipment for performing advanced microbiological sterility analysis. The pump is properly designed for using in cleanrooms. Robust components, made of stainless steel and integrated glass display are apropriate for working in the highest cleanliness standards of Grade A, in complience with the regulatory standards. Programmable parameters, like speed in range from 10 to 100 and time of filtration up to 1800 s, allow to adjust analysis for every requirements. The sterility tests with a membrane filtration method are performed in a closed system, what provides reliable results, low particle emission and high level of safety.
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Sterisart Universal Peristaltic Pump for Sterility Tests is a professional equipment for performing advanced microbiological sterility analysis. The pump is properly designed for using in cleanrooms. Robust components, made of stainless steel and integrated glass display are apropriate for working in the highest cleanliness standards of Grade A, in complience with the regulatory standards. Programmable parameters, like speed in range from 10 to 100 and time of filtration up to 1800 s, allow to adjust analysis for every requirements. The sterility tests with a membrane filtration method are performed in a closed system, what provides reliable results, low particle emission and high level of safety.
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Taylor-Wharton 10K cryochamber The Taylor-Wharton is used to store large numbers of cryovials. The 10K cryochamber has: nitrogen level control system in the tank with low and high nitrogen level alarm, a system for automatic filling of the tank from an external nitrogen source in case of a drop in the level, temperature control system with alarm, event registration system. For the 10K cryochamber, the static holding time is 33 days, the LN2 volume is 165L, and the maximum number of cryovials that can be stored in boxes in the chamber at the same time is 1,040.
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The ALPHA II IR spectrometer uses infrared absorption. The spectroscopic technique, which uses infrared radiation, allows the recording of oscillatory spectra of chemical molecules. The use of Fourier transform (FTIR) increases the sensitivity of the measurements and the resolution of the instruments. FTIR spectrometers with appropriate attachments allow measurements in KBr tablets, in solution and in a gas phase. Infrared measurements are based on passing radiation through or into the sample and measuring the attenuation of the resulting beam at different wavelengths. This corresponds to the two main modes of measurement, i.e. transmission and ATR. ALPHA II IR spectrometer enables measurements in the spectral range 350 – 8000 cm-1 with a resolution better than 2 cm-1. IR spectrometer is equipped with a fixed RockSolid™ interferometer to ensure high stability; mirrors insensitive to deflections, mechanical vibrations and thermal effects. Additional accessories: Platinum-ATR module: single-reflective ATR with monolithic diamond crystal pressed into a tungsten carbide plate for superior mechanical and chemical resistance; Transmission module: KBr lozenge holder.
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The BD FACSCalibur is advanced flow cytometric instrument extensively employed in biological and medical research contexts for meticulous cell analysis and sorting. Configured with multiple laser options, it provides a spectrum of versatile excitation sources, encompassing the Argon-ion laser (488 nm) and the Helium-neon laser (635 nm). Featuring up to four fluorescence channels and a forward scatter channel, it facilitates a comprehensive cellular characterization process. The fixed alignment flow cell ensures precision in measurements, while the high analysis rate of up to 2,000 events per second significantly augments operational efficiency. The optical system integrates forward scatter, side scatter, and fluorescence detection modalities, thereby enabling an exhaustive analytical approach. Furthermore, the BD FACSCalibur permits the sorting of cells based on specified parameters, thereby enhancing experimental adaptability. Compatible with the BD CellQuest Pro software, it streamlines the processes of data acquisition and analysis. Its compatibility with plate readers additionally bolsters high-throughput analysis capabilities, establishing it as a valuable asset across diverse research environments.
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The Beacon Select™ System is a 2-chip system used for cell line development (CLD). The system uses Opto-ElectroPositioning (OEP™) technology, which allows for selective movement of cells using low intensity light to position then into NanoPen™ chambers on two chips located inside. They enable to select clones with favorable product quality attributes, reducing overall costs, improving cloning efficiency, and significantly shortening timelines by identifying top clones for scale-up. By significantly reducing the use of reagents, single-use materials and waste generated.
System: 2-chip
Purpose: proof of monoclonality, quality tests, select clones
Time: 5 days
Technology: Opto-ElectroPositioning (OEP™), perfusion on the chip
Detection: 5 fluorescence channels (DAPI; FITC; PE; TxRed; Cy5)
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The Biacore™ T200 system allows testing the biomolecular interactions in real time and without the use of labels. The system offers a range of tools for reliable and confident kinetic and affinity analyses.
There are two main components of the interaction - the ligand immobilized at the sensor surface and the analyte solution usually passes via a microfluidic channel across the sensor–ligand complex.
The technology is based on the phenomenon of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).
The Biacore™ T200 is a system for high-quality characterization of molecular interactions from small-molecule drug candidates to high-molecular weight proteins in various sample environments.
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The Biacore™ T200 system allows testing the biomolecular interactions in real time and without the use of labels. The system offers a range of tools for reliable and confident kinetic and affinity analyses.
There are two main components of the interaction - the ligand immobilized at the sensor surface and the analyte solution usually passes via a microfluidic channel across the sensor–ligand complex.
The technology is based on the phenomenon of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).
The Biacore™ T200 is a system for high-quality characterization of molecular interactions from small-molecule drug candidates to high-molecular weight proteins in various sample environments.
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The CuBiAn HT-270 is a bio-chemistry analyzer. CuBiAn HT-270 aims towards high-throughput applications, combined with the small footprint of a benchtop size. The CuBiAn HT-270 is fully automated, photometric based instruments. Wavelengths can be selected out of a range from 340nm - 800nm. The detector unit uses a disperser with a grading technique, to measure all chosen wavelengths at one time. The HT-270 is equipped with two separate pipettes and mixer paddles, mounted to four robotic arms. Sample and reagent pipetting thus can be performed simultaneously and independent from another, also resulting a distinct improvement in the overall performance.
Technology: photometry
Wavelength: 340nm - 800nm
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The Jasco J-815 is a Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter equipped with a Peltier temperature controller, a single cuvette holder, and SpectraManager software. It is compliant with CFR 21 Part 11 requirements for data collection and analysis. Primarily employed in the characterization of proteins, this instrument performs measurements in two UV wavelength ranges:
- Far-UV CD spectra (190 – 250 nm) for determining secondary structure content.
- Near-UV spectra (> 250 nm) for obtaining a tertiary structure fingerprint.
Beyond characterization studies, CD analyses can be applied to detect structural changes resulting from mutagenesis, protein unfolding, or conformational stability studies in response to variations in temperature or buffer composition (e.g., the presence of denaturant agents or pH changes).
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The Jasco J-815 is a Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter equipped with a Peltier temperature controller, a single cuvette holder, and SpectraManager software. It is compliant with CFR 21 Part 11 requirements for data collection and analysis. Primarily employed in the characterization of proteins, this instrument performs measurements in two UV wavelength ranges:
- Far-UV CD spectra (190 – 250 nm) for determining secondary structure content.
- Near-UV spectra (> 250 nm) for obtaining a tertiary structure fingerprint.
Beyond characterization studies, CD analyses can be applied to detect structural changes resulting from mutagenesis, protein unfolding, or conformational stability studies in response to variations in temperature or buffer composition (e.g., the presence of denaturant agents or pH changes).
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The KrosFlo® Tangential Flow Filtration 600 System (KTF-600) provides a ready-to-use, flexible flow path solution to commercial-scale microfiltration and ultrafiltration process operations. The KTF-600 System includes a magnetic drive centrifugal pump head, custom flexible tube flow path assemblies, peristaltic pumps, single-use flat sheet cassete, and optional weight scale connections for additional process monitoring.
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The KrosFlo® Tangential Flow Filtration 600 System (KTF-600) provides a ready-to-use, flexible flow path solution to commercial-scale microfiltration and ultrafiltration process operations. The KTF-600 System includes a magnetic drive centrifugal pump head, custom flexible tube flow path assemblies, peristaltic pumps, single-use flat sheet cassete, and optional weight scale connections for additional process monitoring.
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The KrosFlo® Tangential Flow Filtration 600 System (KTF-600) provides a ready-to-use, flexible flow path solution to commercial-scale microfiltration and ultrafiltration process operations. The KTF-600 System includes a magnetic drive centrifugal pump head, custom flexible tube flow path assemblies, peristaltic pumps, single-use flat sheet cassete, and optional weight scale connections for additional process monitoring.
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The Kuhner ISF4-X incubator shaker offers large shaking capacity with temperature, humidity and CO2 control. The shaker cabinet consist of four independent shaking units which are height adjustable. The shaking diameter and speed of each unit can be individually selected.
The SFR (Shake Flask Reader) is a platform that monitors dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in up to 9 shake flasks. The corresponding ready-to-use vessels contain pre-calibrated sensor spots. The system monitors non-invasively through the transparent bottom of the container.
Temperature max: 40°C
Humidity: 85%
CO2 range: 0-20%
Shaking diameter: 12.5, 25, 50
Shaking speed: 20 – 500 rpm
DO range: 0 – 100%
pH range: 5.5-8.0
Temperature measurement range: 5-50°C
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The Kuhner SB10-X is an orbital shaken benchtop bioreactor system for the cultivation of human, mammalian and plant cells in a single-use bag. It has a working volume from 4 litres up to 12 litres and can be used in research, process development or as a pilot scale bioreactor. The cylindrical vessel accepts a single-use 3D bag. This bag requires no additional mixing device, enables quick set up times and eliminates elaborate cleaning and sterilizing procedures. The standard bag has built-in optical sensors for pH/DO allowing online measurement and control of pH and DO in the medium. The orbital motion of the SB10-X ensures efficient liquid mixing. It facilitates high oxygen transfer rates with low shear forces.
Technology: OSR, SUB
Working volume: 4-12L
Temperature max: 40°C
pH range: 5.5 – 8.5
DO range: 0-100%
Internal pumps: 3
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The Multiskan Go is a high-quality monochromator-based UV/VIS spectrophotometer. It is used in spectral scanning, end-point and kinetic measurements to measure absorbance in the 200-1000 nm wavelength range from appropriate 96- or 384-well plates with and without lids and various types of cuvettes. The instrument allows incubation up to 45°C and shaking of the microplate. The Multiskan Go can be used in a variety of research applications, including nucleic acid and protein analysis, ELISA assays, enzyme assays, cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays as well as apoptosis assays.
Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
Wavelength accuracy: 2 nm
Wavelength repeatability: 0.2 nm
Bandwidth < 2.5 nm
Read-out range: up to 4 Abs
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The Multiskan Go is a high-quality monochromator-based UV/VIS spectrophotometer. It is used in spectral scanning, end-point and kinetic measurements to measure absorbance in the 200-1000 nm wavelength range from appropriate 96- or 384-well plates with and without lids and various types of cuvettes. The instrument allows incubation up to 45°C and shaking of the microplate. The Multiskan Go can be used in a variety of research applications, including nucleic acid and protein analysis, ELISA assays, enzyme assays, cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays as well as apoptosis assays.
Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
Wavelength accuracy: 2 nm
Wavelength repeatability: 0.2 nm
Bandwidth < 2.5 nm
Read-out range: up to 4 Abs
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The Multiskan Go is a high-quality monochromator-based UV/VIS spectrophotometer. It is used in spectral scanning, end-point and kinetic measurements to measure absorbance in the 200-1000 nm wavelength range from appropriate 96- or 384-well plates with and without lids and various types of cuvettes. The instrument allows incubation up to 45°C and shaking of the microplate. The Multiskan Go can be used in a variety of research applications, including nucleic acid and protein analysis, ELISA assays, enzyme assays, cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays as well as apoptosis assays.
Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
Wavelength accuracy: 2 nm
Wavelength repeatability: 0.2 nm
Bandwidth < 2.5 nm
Read-out range: up to 4 Abs
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The Multiskan Go is a high-quality monochromator-based UV/VIS spectrophotometer. It is used in spectral scanning, end-point and kinetic measurements to measure absorbance in the 200-1000 nm wavelength range from appropriate 96- or 384-well plates with and without lids and various types of cuvettes. The instrument allows incubation up to 45°C and shaking of the microplate. The Multiskan Go can be used in a variety of research applications, including nucleic acid and protein analysis, ELISA assays, enzyme assays, cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays as well as apoptosis assays.
Wavelength resolution: 1 nm
Wavelength accuracy: 2 nm
Wavelength repeatability: 0.2 nm
Bandwidth < 2.5 nm
Read-out range: up to 4 Abs
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The Neon® Transfection System is a benchtop electroporation device that employs an electroporation technology by using the pipette tip as an electroporation chamber to transfect mammalian cells including primary and immortalized hematopoietic cells, stem cells, and primary cells. The Neon® Transfection System delivers nucleic acids, proteins, and siRNA into all mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells. The transfection is performed using from 1×104 to 5×106 cells per reaction. The Neon® Transfection System uses a single transfection kit that is compatible with various mammalian cell types thereby avoiding the need to determine an optimal buffer for each cell type. The Neon® Transfection System offers open and transparent protocols that are optimized for ease of use and simplicity.
Transfection technology: electroporation
Working volume: 10 – 100 μL
Number of cell per reaction: 1×104 - 5×106 cells
Input voltage range: 500–2 500 V
Input pulse width range: 1–100 ms
Input pulse number range: 1–10
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The Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus Biopharma mass spectrometer is a tandem mass spectrometer (equipped with a quadrupole analyzer and an Orbitrap™ analyzer with a resolving power of up to 280,000). The mass spectrometer is equipped with a HESI ion source, enabling the analysis of ions in the range of 50 – 8,000 m/z. The system offers various operation modes: Full MS, SIM, PRM, AIF, DIA. It is also equipped with Xcalibur™ software for method creation, data acquisition, and processing.Furthermore, we have Thermo Scientific™ BioPharma Finder™ software dedicated to protein analysis. By appropriately optimizing device parameters for specific types of analyses, we can utilize the mass spectrometer across a wide range of applications, based on strategies such as bottom-up, middle-down, and top-down. We employ the mass spectrometer in various types of analyses, including confirming the amino acid sequence of proteins, measuring the mass of entire antibodies and their subunits, confirming the proper formation of disulfide bonds, and analyzing post-translational modifications.
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The Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus Biopharma mass spectrometer is a tandem mass spectrometer (equipped with a quadrupole analyzer and an Orbitrap™ analyzer with a resolving power of up to 280,000). The mass spectrometer is equipped with a HESI ion source, enabling the analysis of ions in the range of 50 – 8,000 m/z. The system offers various operation modes: Full MS, SIM, PRM, AIF, DIA. It is also equipped with Xcalibur™ software for method creation, data acquisition, and processing.Furthermore, we have Thermo Scientific™ BioPharma Finder™ software dedicated to protein analysis. By appropriately optimizing device parameters for specific types of analyses, we can utilize the mass spectrometer across a wide range of applications, based on strategies such as bottom-up, middle-down, and top-down. We employ the mass spectrometer in various types of analyses, including confirming the amino acid sequence of proteins, measuring the mass of entire antibodies and their subunits, confirming the proper formation of disulfide bonds, and analyzing post-translational modifications.
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The Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus Biopharma mass spectrometer is a tandem mass spectrometer (equipped with a quadrupole analyzer and an Orbitrap™ analyzer with a resolving power of up to 280,000). The mass spectrometer is equipped with a HESI ion source, enabling the analysis of ions in the range of 50 – 8,000 m/z. The system offers various operation modes: Full MS, SIM, PRM, AIF, DIA. It is also equipped with Xcalibur™ software for method creation, data acquisition, and processing.Furthermore, we have Thermo Scientific™ BioPharma Finder™ software dedicated to protein analysis. By appropriately optimizing device parameters for specific types of analyses, we can utilize the mass spectrometer across a wide range of applications, based on strategies such as bottom-up, middle-down, and top-down. We employ the mass spectrometer in various types of analyses, including confirming the amino acid sequence of proteins, measuring the mass of entire antibodies and their subunits, confirming the proper formation of disulfide bonds, and analyzing post-translational modifications.
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The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage. By utilizing these systems in our analyses, we can monitor critical protein quality attributes, such as glycosylation profiles. Another highly advanced chromatographic system we utilize in conjunction with a mass spectrometer is the Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ 3000 UHPLC system. This system is equipped with two biocompatible gradient pumps (each three-channel), housed in a single unit. The column thermostat is equipped with 2-position 10-port valves, enabling automatic switching between columns and consequently conducting two-dimensional analyses. The autosampler used in the system can also serve as a fraction collector.
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The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage. By utilizing these systems in our analyses, we can monitor critical protein quality attributes, such as glycosylation profiles. Another highly advanced chromatographic system we utilize in conjunction with a mass spectrometer is the Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ 3000 UHPLC system. This system is equipped with two biocompatible gradient pumps (each three-channel), housed in a single unit. The column thermostat is equipped with 2-position 10-port valves, enabling automatic switching between columns and consequently conducting two-dimensional analyses. The autosampler used in the system can also serve as a fraction collector.
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The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC systems allow us to meet the most demanding analytical challenges. These are fully integrated and biocompatible systems equipped with three types of detectors: UV-VIS diode array detector, fluorescence detector, and charged aerosol detector. They also feature the latest generation chromatography software (Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System - CDS) for controlling device operation, data acquisition, analysis, and storage. By utilizing these systems in our analyses, we can monitor critical protein quality attributes, such as glycosylation profiles. Another highly advanced chromatographic system we utilize in conjunction with a mass spectrometer is the Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ 3000 UHPLC system. This system is equipped with two biocompatible gradient pumps (each three-channel), housed in a single unit. The column thermostat is equipped with 2-position 10-port valves, enabling automatic switching between columns and consequently conducting two-dimensional analyses. The autosampler used in the system can also serve as a fraction collector.
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The Vi-CELL XR is a cell counter designed to automatically count and characterize cells in a sample. Similarly, to manual counting, the device stains the cells with a trypan blue solution and through a series of photos, analyzes images of the cell culture and calculates a wide range of its parameters. It provides accurate and rapid cell counting, viability assessment, and sizing of cell populations.
Analysis time: 2.5 minutes
Ability to load 12 samples simultaneously
Cell density range: 5 × 104 - 1 × 107 cells/mL
Viability range: 0-100%
Sample volume: 0.5 mL
Counting accuracy: ±6%
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The Xcellerex XDR-10 is a stirred-tank bioreactor system used for cell cultivation. It provides controlled environments with agitation, promoting efficient mixing and optimal growth conditions for biological processes. The Xcellerex XDR-10 is adaptable for various purposes, including process development, small-scale production, and troubleshooting. The XDR-10 bioreactor comprises three main parts: vessel frame, instrument tower, and disposable bioreactor bag assembly. The temperature of the culture is accurately controlled with two heating pads, integral to the frame.
Technology: STR, SUB
Working volume: 4.5-10L
Temperature control: 2 heating pads
pH range: 0 - 14
DO range: 0-100%
Internal pumps: 4
Mass flow controllers: 4
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The flow cytometer is equipped with two blue and red lasers, an FDS, SSC and FL detector. It allows analyzing samples from 500ul to 50ml, in addition, it is equipped with a plate loader which allows analyzing 96-well plates. The instrument allows adjustment of voltages on the detectors, setting detection points on any number of parameters, and simultaneous measurement of sample area, width and height. The instrument's software has Audit-Trial and data encryption, among other features. The cytometer is used primarily for apoptosis, cell cycle analysis and multiparametric flow cytometry.
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The system is a combination of an HPLC liquid chromatograph and a mass spectrometer. The Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS system is provide superior data quality and advanced analytical capabilities for profi ling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules with high confidence. The 6530 Q-TOF platform is ideally suited for accurate mass analyses of the complex samples. The system provides: Sub 2-ppm mass accuracy; The wide dynamic range of the spectrum allows smaller amounts of compounds to be measured simultaneously in the presence of intense background interference; Up to 5 orders of in-spectrum dynamic range improves detection of tracelevel targets in the presence of highabundance compounds; High femtogram sensitivity enables identification of very low-abundance compounds; Fast data acquisition rates of up to 40 spectra/second ensure maximum compatibility with fast LC and highthroughput methods; Wide mass range to 20,000 m/z
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Thermo Scientific™ Wellwash™ Versa microplate washer provides secure washing performance for routine and research ELISA applications. Adjustable wash parameters, such as dispense or aspiration height and aspiration speed enable optimal washing performance for both quantitative and qualitative purposes. Microplate washer can significantly shorten washing steps, which, in ELISA assays, are the most time-consuming stage of analysis. Washing protocols can be easily created and modified, so as to adjust aspiration mode to microplate type.
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Thermo Scientific™ Wellwash™ Versa microplate washer provides secure washing performance for routine and research ELISA applications. Adjustable wash parameters, such as dispense or aspiration height and aspiration speed enable optimal washing performance for both quantitative and qualitative purposes. Microplate washer can significantly shorten washing steps, which, in ELISA assays, are the most time-consuming stage of analysis. Washing protocols can be easily created and modified, so as to adjust aspiration mode to microplate type.
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Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyser. The device anable to measure paramethers of the cells such as: viability, cell count, density of the sample or avarage diameter. It is possible to analyse cells of different organisms. The system analyze the sample by using trypan blue dye. This device is fully automated during sample preparation therefore the sample preparation for crucial paramethers is reduced.
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Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyser. The device anable to measure paramethers of the cells such as: viability, cell count, density of the sample or avarage diameter. It is possible to analyse cells of different organisms. The system analyze the sample by using trypan blue dye. This device is fully automated during sample preparation therefore the sample preparation for crucial paramethers is reduced.
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Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyser. The device anable to measure paramethers of the cells such as: viability, cell count, density of the sample or avarage diameter. It is possible to analyse cells of different organisms. The system analyze the sample by using trypan blue dye. This device is fully automated during sample preparation therefore the sample preparation for crucial paramethers is reduced.
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Vi-CELL BLU Cell Viability Analyser. The device anable to measure paramethers of the cells such as: viability, cell count, density of the sample or avarage diameter. It is possible to analyse cells of different organisms. The system analyze the sample by using trypan blue dye. This device is fully automated during sample preparation therefore the sample preparation for crucial paramethers is reduced.
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Washing machine and depyrogenization tunnel (part of filling line) - The vial washing machine and depirogenization tunnel are part of Steriline's filling machine. They make it possible to run the process for 2 vial formats: 10ml and 50ml. Capacity for the 10ml format is up to 6,000 psc/hour, for the 50ml format up to 1,760 psc/hour.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA avant 25 is a preparative chromatography system intended for method and process development. With flow rates up to 25 mL/min, it allows chromatography resins screening (up to  in one scouting) and method optimization. ÄKTA avant offers a complete solution for fast, high‑quality protein separations while maintaining reliability and increasing process knowledge. Moreover, the system offers automatic on‑line buffer preparation using BufferPro and integrated fraction collector with cooling functionality for purified samples protection. Separate sample valve allows up to 7 or up to 5 (using loop valve for small volumes from 0,5 mL) different input samples in one scouting. Futhermore ÄKTA avant together with UNICORN software provides Design of Experiments (DoE) tool.
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ÄKTA crossflow is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system. It is suitable for process development, filter screening and process optimization at small-scale. Minimum working volume of 25 mL ensures operation of filters between 40 cm² and 150 cm² which is applicable for small-scale processing. The system covers ultrafiltration and microfiltration applications. ÄKTAcrossflow allows using of either hollow fiber filter cartridges or cross flow cassettes. Moreover UNICORN interface enables process conduction with full TMP and flux control and with permeate and retentate pressure monitoring.
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ÄKTA crossflow is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system. It is suitable for process development, filter screening and process optimization at small-scale. Minimum working volume of 25 mL ensures operation of filters between 40 cm² and 150 cm² which is applicable for small-scale processing. The system covers ultrafiltration and microfiltration applications. ÄKTAcrossflow allows using of either hollow fiber filter cartridges or cross flow cassettes. Moreover UNICORN interface enables process conduction with full TMP and flux control and with permeate and retentate pressure monitoring.
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ÄKTA crossflow is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system. It is suitable for process development, filter screening and process optimization at small-scale. Minimum working volume of 25 mL ensures operation of filters between 40 cm² and 150 cm² which is applicable for small-scale processing. The system covers ultrafiltration and microfiltration applications. ÄKTAcrossflow allows using of either hollow fiber filter cartridges or cross flow cassettes. Moreover UNICORN interface enables process conduction with full TMP and flux control and with permeate and retentate pressure monitoring.
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ÄKTA crossflow is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system. It is suitable for process development, filter screening and process optimization at small-scale. Minimum working volume of 25 mL ensures operation of filters between 40 cm² and 150 cm² which is applicable for small-scale processing. The system covers ultrafiltration and microfiltration applications. ÄKTAcrossflow allows using of either hollow fiber filter cartridges or cross flow cassettes. Moreover UNICORN interface enables process conduction with full TMP and flux control and with permeate and retentate pressure monitoring.
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ÄKTA process chromatography system is a low-pressure automated liquid chromatography system intended for the precision transportation of fluids to and from chromatography columns of varying sizes. The device operates in a flow range of 45 to 2000 LPM and an operating pressure of up to 6 bar. The system allows monitoring and reporting of all process parameters. It allows you to run a fully automatic process based on user-defined methods.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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CO₂ Kuhner shaking incubator. Incubator allows for temperature, CO₂ and humidity control as well as adjustment of shaking frequencies and orbit. Chamber temperature can be set from 10°C below the environment temperature, up to 60°C, CO₂ concentration from 0 to 20 %, while humidity from 0 to 85 %. Incubator complies with GMP requirements and regulations and DIN ISO 14519 and can be cleaned chemically or sterilized using UV light. Device is suited for microbial, plant, human and animal cell cultures. Incubator can be equipped with shelves allowing for cultivation in petri dishes, a water bath which can be placed inside the incubator to reduce evaporation from flasks or microtiter plates and light shade plate which protects contents of the incubator from natural and artificial light.
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IMA's automated packaging line enables labeling, followed by unit and bulk packaging. Integrated into the line is a system that ensures product serialization. The line allows the use of both tear strips and tamper-resistant cartons. The line supports packaging in formats: 10mL, 2x10mL and 50mL.
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LONZA ELx808 LBS microplate reader. The device use different wavelenght range between 340-900 nm. It allows to detect endotoxin level due to two diffferent LAL methods: turbidymetic or chromogenic. The device is eqipped with 4 incubationg zones and WinKQCL Software which anable fully- automated kinetic reads of 96- well microplate.
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Taylor-Wharton 10K cryochamber The Taylor-Wharton is used to store large numbers of cryovials. The 10K cryochamber has: nitrogen level control system in the tank with low and high nitrogen level alarm, a system for automatic filling of the tank from an external nitrogen source in case of a drop in the level, temperature control system with alarm, event registration system. For the 10K cryochamber, the static holding time is 33 days, the LN2 volume is 165L, and the maximum number of cryovials that can be stored in boxes in the chamber at the same time is 1,040.
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The ALPHA II IR spectrometer uses infrared absorption. The spectroscopic technique, which uses infrared radiation, allows the recording of oscillatory spectra of chemical molecules. The use of Fourier transform (FTIR) increases the sensitivity of the measurements and the resolution of the instruments. FTIR spectrometers with appropriate attachments allow measurements in KBr tablets, in solution and in a gas phase. Infrared measurements are based on passing radiation through or into the sample and measuring the attenuation of the resulting beam at different wavelengths. This corresponds to the two main modes of measurement, i.e. transmission and ATR. ALPHA II IR spectrometer enables measurements in the spectral range 350 – 8000 cm-1 with a resolution better than 2 cm-1. IR spectrometer is equipped with a fixed RockSolid™ interferometer to ensure high stability; mirrors insensitive to deflections, mechanical vibrations and thermal effects. Additional accessories: Platinum-ATR module: single-reflective ATR with monolithic diamond crystal pressed into a tungsten carbide plate for superior mechanical and chemical resistance; Transmission module: KBr lozenge holder.
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The ALPHA II IR spectrometer uses infrared absorption. The spectroscopic technique, which uses infrared radiation, allows the recording of oscillatory spectra of chemical molecules. The use of Fourier transform (FTIR) increases the sensitivity of the measurements and the resolution of the instruments. FTIR spectrometers with appropriate attachments allow measurements in KBr tablets, in solution and in a gas phase. Infrared measurements are based on passing radiation through or into the sample and measuring the attenuation of the resulting beam at different wavelengths. This corresponds to the two main modes of measurement, i.e. transmission and ATR. ALPHA II IR spectrometer enables measurements in the spectral range 350 – 8000 cm-1 with a resolution better than 2 cm-1. IR spectrometer is equipped with a fixed RockSolid™ interferometer to ensure high stability; mirrors insensitive to deflections, mechanical vibrations and thermal effects. Additional accessories: Platinum-ATR module: single-reflective ATR with monolithic diamond crystal pressed into a tungsten carbide plate for superior mechanical and chemical resistance; Transmission module: KBr lozenge holder.
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The BD FACSCalibur is advanced flow cytometric instrument extensively employed in biological and medical research contexts for meticulous cell analysis and sorting. Configured with multiple laser options, it provides a spectrum of versatile excitation sources, encompassing the Argon-ion laser (488 nm) and the Helium-neon laser (635 nm). Featuring up to four fluorescence channels and a forward scatter channel, it facilitates a comprehensive cellular characterization process. The fixed alignment flow cell ensures precision in measurements, while the high analysis rate of up to 2,000 events per second significantly augments operational efficiency. The optical system integrates forward scatter, side scatter, and fluorescence detection modalities, thereby enabling an exhaustive analytical approach. Furthermore, the BD FACSCalibur permits the sorting of cells based on specified parameters, thereby enhancing experimental adaptability. Compatible with the BD CellQuest Pro software, it streamlines the processes of data acquisition and analysis. Its compatibility with plate readers additionally bolsters high-throughput analysis capabilities, establishing it as a valuable asset across diverse research environments.
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The Beacon Select™ System is a 2-chip system used for cell line development (CLD). The system uses Opto-ElectroPositioning (OEP™) technology, which allows for selective movement of cells using low intensity light to position then into NanoPen™ chambers on two chips located inside. They enable to select clones with favorable product quality attributes, reducing overall costs, improving cloning efficiency, and significantly shortening timelines by identifying top clones for scale-up. By significantly reducing the use of reagents, single-use materials and waste generated.
System: 2-chip
Purpose: proof of monoclonality, quality tests, select clones
Time: 5 days
Technology: Opto-ElectroPositioning (OEP™), perfusion on the chip
Detection: 5 fluorescence channels (DAPI; FITC; PE; TxRed; Cy5)
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The CuBiAn HT-270 is a bio-chemistry analyzer. CuBiAn HT-270 aims towards high-throughput applications, combined with the small footprint of a benchtop size. The CuBiAn HT-270 is fully automated, photometric based instruments. Wavelengths can be selected out of a range from 340nm - 800nm. The detector unit uses a disperser with a grading technique, to measure all chosen wavelengths at one time. The HT-270 is equipped with two separate pipettes and mixer paddles, mounted to four robotic arms. Sample and reagent pipetting thus can be performed simultaneously and independent from another, also resulting a distinct improvement in the overall performance.
Technology: photometry
Wavelength: 340nm - 800nm
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The KrosFlo® Tangential Flow Filtration 600 System (KTF-600) provides a ready-to-use, flexible flow path solution to commercial-scale microfiltration and ultrafiltration process operations. The KTF-600 System includes a magnetic drive centrifugal pump head, custom flexible tube flow path assemblies, peristaltic pumps, single-use flat sheet cassete, and optional weight scale connections for additional process monitoring.
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The Kuhner ISF4-X incubator shaker offers large shaking capacity with temperature, humidity and CO2 control. The shaker cabinet consist of four independent shaking units which are height adjustable. The shaking diameter and speed of each unit can be individually selected.
The SFR (Shake Flask Reader) is a platform that monitors dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in up to 9 shake flasks. The corresponding ready-to-use vessels contain pre-calibrated sensor spots. The system monitors non-invasively through the transparent bottom of the container.
Temperature max: 40°C
Humidity: 85%
CO2 range: 0-20%
Shaking diameter: 12.5, 25, 50
Shaking speed: 20 – 500 rpm
DO range: 0 – 100%
pH range: 5.5-8.0
Temperature measurement range: 5-50°C
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The Kuhner SB10-X is an orbital shaken benchtop bioreactor system for the cultivation of human, mammalian and plant cells in a single-use bag. It has a working volume from 4 litres up to 12 litres and can be used in research, process development or as a pilot scale bioreactor. The cylindrical vessel accepts a single-use 3D bag. This bag requires no additional mixing device, enables quick set up times and eliminates elaborate cleaning and sterilizing procedures. The standard bag has built-in optical sensors for pH/DO allowing online measurement and control of pH and DO in the medium. The orbital motion of the SB10-X ensures efficient liquid mixing. It facilitates high oxygen transfer rates with low shear forces.
Technology: OSR, SUB
Working volume: 4-12L
Temperature max: 40°C
pH range: 5.5 – 8.5
DO range: 0-100%
Internal pumps: 3
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The flow cytometer is equipped with two blue and red lasers, an FDS, SSC and FL detector. It allows analyzing samples from 500ul to 50ml, in addition, it is equipped with a plate loader which allows analyzing 96-well plates. The instrument allows adjustment of voltages on the detectors, setting detection points on any number of parameters, and simultaneous measurement of sample area, width and height. The instrument's software has Audit-Trial and data encryption, among other features. The cytometer is used primarily for apoptosis, cell cycle analysis and multiparametric flow cytometry.
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The system is a combination of an HPLC liquid chromatograph and a mass spectrometer. The Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS system is provide superior data quality and advanced analytical capabilities for profi ling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules with high confidence. The 6530 Q-TOF platform is ideally suited for accurate mass analyses of the complex samples. The system provides: Sub 2-ppm mass accuracy; The wide dynamic range of the spectrum allows smaller amounts of compounds to be measured simultaneously in the presence of intense background interference; Up to 5 orders of in-spectrum dynamic range improves detection of tracelevel targets in the presence of highabundance compounds; High femtogram sensitivity enables identification of very low-abundance compounds; Fast data acquisition rates of up to 40 spectra/second ensure maximum compatibility with fast LC and highthroughput methods; Wide mass range to 20,000 m/z
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The system is a combination of an HPLC liquid chromatograph and a mass spectrometer. The Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC/MS system is provide superior data quality and advanced analytical capabilities for profi ling, identifying, characterizing, and quantifying low molecular-weight compounds and biomolecules with high confidence. The 6530 Q-TOF platform is ideally suited for accurate mass analyses of the complex samples. The system provides: Sub 2-ppm mass accuracy; The wide dynamic range of the spectrum allows smaller amounts of compounds to be measured simultaneously in the presence of intense background interference; Up to 5 orders of in-spectrum dynamic range improves detection of tracelevel targets in the presence of highabundance compounds; High femtogram sensitivity enables identification of very low-abundance compounds; Fast data acquisition rates of up to 40 spectra/second ensure maximum compatibility with fast LC and highthroughput methods; Wide mass range to 20,000 m/z
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Washing machine and depyrogenization tunnel (part of filling line) - The vial washing machine and depirogenization tunnel are part of Steriline's filling machine. They make it possible to run the process for 2 vial formats: 10ml and 50ml. Capacity for the 10ml format is up to 6,000 psc/hour, for the 50ml format up to 1,760 psc/hour.
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ÄKTA process chromatography system is a low-pressure automated liquid chromatography system intended for the precision transportation of fluids to and from chromatography columns of varying sizes. The device operates in a flow range of 45 to 2000 LPM and an operating pressure of up to 6 bar. The system allows monitoring and reporting of all process parameters. It allows you to run a fully automatic process based on user-defined methods.
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Product Concentration Room I
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Product Concentration Room I
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Mabion